
Commercial sponsors of the Crickhowell Music Festival 2025 can purchase advertising in the festival programme, at the following rates:

  • Quarter page- £25
  • Half page- £50
  • Full page- £100

Commercial sponsors are entitled to a complimentary programme and are named in the list of sponsors, in addition to the advert.

Commercial, Group and individual Sponsorship:

  • Sponsorship of Soloists: £150
  • Sponsorship of a Concert: £250
  • Orchestra Sponsorship: £25 minimum

Sponsors of the orchestra, who are mostly full time professional musicians, can sponsor individual sections of the orchestra as individuals or as a group. Sponsors will be acknowledged in the programme, although we will also acknowledge anonymity. Sponsors of concerts will receive two complimentary concert tickets and receive preferential seating.

Please contact Frank Williams, Sponsorship Secretary, for further details at frankwilliams71@icloud.com or call (01873) 810200.